Where and How to add value to your product or service.
As a business owner your hands are always tied behind your back on what to do next. Worried about: Am I going to make a good decision? What category is going to help my business grow? I believe that making your product better in these three categories is the most important choice to start with.
First you need to decide what the overall outcome is that you want to achieve. Once you have that there are a couple items that you need to look at. What is the likelihood of achievement? To clarify, if you have a service, by grading your service on a scale of one to ten, how likely does your customer think he or she is going to see results. By increasing this number, you will see the customer is more likely to purchase.
An example of this would be Liposuction. Liposuction is done in one day, results are almost 100% going to happen, that’s why the cost is going to be higher. On the other side losing weight without plastic surgery takes months or years and the results are less likely to be there at the end. In summary Liposuction can charge more because the likelihood of achievement is very high.
The next item I want you to look at would be time delay. The time between making the decision to start the service and the outcome happening. So again, liposuction. Done in one day, result can be seen almost overnight. Weight loss programs take months or even years depending on the end goal.
The last item we need to look at is effort and sacrifice. Effort is things you must begin doing, that you wouldn’t have to do before, and sacrifice is the time it takes away from performing other tasks. By decreasing the customers effort and sacrifice, your product or service will become more valuable to the end buyer.
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